4k & 5K

Four-Year-old Kindergartenbit.ly/A3K421

Online preregistration will take place for Anderson School District Three's four-year-old program starting Wednesday, January 20, 2021. Your child must be four years of age on or before September 1, 2021. 
You will be notified via email of a date in the spring your child will be screened. Please remember to bring the following items with you and your child on the day of the screening: 

-Legal birth certificate (if born in South Carolina, a birth certificate may be obtained at the Anderson County Health Department for a small fee)
- Immunization records (may be obtained wherever child received shots) Proof of residence (utility bill, lease agreement, mortgage information, etc.)
-Medicaid Card (if applicable) OR 2020 W2 

If you have questions or concerns about K4 you may contact Susan Brown or Tammy Vaughn at the A3 Office of Family Support at 352-3513 or Cheryl Smith at the A3 District Office at 348-6196. 

Five-Year-Old Kindergarten: 

In order for your child to be registered for K5, you will need to e-mail or bring the items below to the school by May 1, 2021.

  • Legal birth certificate (if born in South Carolina, a birth certificate may be obtained at the Anderson County Health Department for a small fee)
  • Immunization records (may be obtained wherever child received shots)
  • Proof of residence (utility bill, lease agreement, mortgage information, etc.)
  • Reminder: Child must be five years of age on or before September 1, 2021

Documents may be emailed to:
Flat Rock Elementary – Andrea Lollis lollisa@acsd3.org
Iva Elementary – Robin Richardson richardsonr@acsd3.org
Starr Elementary - Tonya Barbare barbaret@acsd3.org

To find out which elementary school you are zoned for, visit