4 out of 5 Anderson 3 Schools Receive Excellent Ratings on SC State Report Cards
David Richardson Named CHS Support Staff of the Year!
Gayle Sinclair Named Bus Driver of the Year
Crescent FFA chapter of Iva, SC, named 3 Star Chapter for 2019 National Chapter award by National FFA Organization
Jeff Craft named Varsity Softball Coach
New Name for Crescent Softball Field
Haley Stollar.
Brantley Caldwell named #A3AllStar of the Week!
Crescent Announces New Varsity Basketball Coach
Chorale Receives Superior Rating
CHS Concert Band Receives Excellent Rating
FBLA Students on the Road to Nationals
Students Participate in Bosch's Women in STEM Event
Wrestlers Perform Well at AAA State Finals
Karen McMullan Named Employee of the Week!
Seniors Join Growing List of College Commits
Multi-Sport CHS Seniors Sign to Play College Football
Anderson 3 Excels!
Bosch Partners with AIT
Students chosen for all county band